PS wants new local accommodation rules in effect only in 2019


Local housing legislation is expected to take a final form next Wednesday, by which time the parties must submit their final proposals to the diploma review if there are no other requests postponement of here. But the goal of the PS parliamentary group is that the diploma will only come into force in early 2019, said Luís Vilhena, deputy of the PS in charge of the local housing file.

Among the consensual aspects in the sense of taking the form of a law, it appears that "the ability of the chambers to intervene in case of tourist overload in certain regions and affects the lease in the long term", said Luís Vilhena. ] This intervention of the chambers will have as a starting point the implementation of local housing quotas in areas where there is already an excess of tourist leases. "In the very act of registration, it will not be possible to create a local housing where quotas are established by the chambers," says the PS deputy, noting that all the chambers will establish no quotas in their municipalities, but only "those necessary to maintain the balance between tourist accommodation and housing". And he points out that in rooms where there are no quota limits zones, for those who want to create a local housing "the process will be simpler."

The condos will also have their say, within the local closure limit, but only after "proven complaints about disturbances that may exist", and that they will have to be sent to the room, which will be the final decision whether or not to withdraw the license. This is a fundamental change to the initial motto of the PS that has led Parliament to discuss local accommodations and to allow condominiums for this activity, but as the Socialist MP recalls "after Dozens of hearings, it is natural that the proposals of the parliamentary groups evolve at best: from the outset, there were very extreme positions, which led to a more balanced solution. "

false registrations on the platforms will be controlled

Airbnb, which are the main channel for local accommodation reservations. "While condominiums have a say in the Chamber, platforms have a more interesting role for the consumer," notes Luís Vilhena, noting that "platforms are the main stakeholders in which the local housing market is

One of the novelties that the new local housing law should bring involving the platforms is to "create self-checking mechanisms for fake local hosting records, which have transmitted to us that it existed, "says the MP.In Portugal, the platforms are already obliged to include a field with the RNAL number (National Registration of Local Premises) of all the dwellings on the national territory that are there. available, a measure to combat tax evasion in this activity.

Consensus between the parties, it is also that the new diploma does not come "kill" or create a reduction . in local accommodation. "The goal is not to put to rest what has been a very useful asset for tourism, on the contrary," says Luís Vilhena. "With these changes, we want local housing to continue to exist in Portugal, but with rules and balances so that it does not have adverse effects on urban life and that they undermine the tourist appeal of cities. "

In terms of timing, parties submit to Parliament their proposals to change the local hosting diploma until July 11, which on July 12 will be put to a vote and will be voted on July 18, the last before the holiday of the deputies. The proposal of the PS parliamentary group is that the law will not take effect until next year.

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