PSD wants to include university residences in the requalification of Entrecampos


The paper, which will be discussed at Thursday's plenary session of the LBC, stresses that "Lisbon needs a university residential center that addresses a shortage of about 10,000 beds" and escalating costs ""

According to PSD deputies, "the creation of this university university center is a means … to intervene in the market, substantially reducing the problem of residences in which Lisbon is currently facing. "[19659002] PSD MPs elected to AML also recommend that the municipality study" the feasibility of using the National Building Rehabilitation Fund (FNRE) to carry out the project. "

The recommendation also states that the capital of Lisbon is the region of the country "which has the most students" and that it is therefore necessary "to find solutions to support university students, so that They are not hampered by the expansion of tourism ". "

Today, the annual supply of the city" consists of 380 rooms in private university residences, 5,300 rooms in private apartments, 1,800 rooms in public university housing and 1,400 rooms in apartments managed by operators specialized in the sector. "

" The fact of creating a student residence area will allow university students to have a better quality of life, more price, which will naturally have a positive impact on their academic performance, needs the same recommendation.

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