Public transport in Lisbon and Porto announce campaigns for a healthy life


"We are now pursuing what is the health plan for 2020," said Diogo Cruz, during the signing of the agreement, which was held at the Carris Museum in Lisbon and was attended by the Deputy State Secretaries Health and the Environment.

The Deputy Director-General for Health stressed that "prevention is the most effective way" to fight the disease, and that "to achieve this change, health literacy is a key point".

The protocol provides for the broadcast of at least two campaigns a year in the transport companies Carris, Metropolitano de Lisboa, Transtejo, Transportes Sul do Tejo (TST), Fertagus, Lisbon, Vimeca, SCTP and Metro do Porto , which together carry more than one million people a day, reported

The campaigns will focus primarily on "promoting healthy eating, exercise and tobacco control," said Diogo Cruz . of our doors and reach the people, "he said, noting that this protocol will help" make decisions about adopting and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. "

In agreement with Diogo Cruz, the Assistant Secretary of State for Health, Fernando Araújo, emphasized during the ceremony the importance of "The Portuguese make less healthy choices because of". a lack of solid and credible information, "he said, stressing that campaigns are aimed at" tackling inequalities in health ".

Fernando Araújo added that the "big battle" is "disease prevention and health promotion", stating that these campaigns do not have "immediate effects" but "will be in five or ten years ".

] The governor also recalled the protocols established with four television stations and a chain of cinemas, adding that in the latter case, awareness was available in "30 thousand sessions" of cinema.

Assistant Secretary of State for the Environment, José Mendes, said that "health and mobility are basic necessities" and that prevention "is an exercise in which the protagonists are citizens".

"We are all in the same boat, on the same bus, in the same train," he concludes.

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