Read the messages exchanged by the Alcochete attackers – Sporting


The violent attack of the Sporting Academy in Alcochete, which culminated with attacks on players and technical staff of lions by about fifty hooded people, will have been combined through messages on the social network WhatsApp. These conversations, which were revealed by Correio da Manhã, were kept in three groups – Piranhas, Invincible Army and Academia Amanhã. In them it was explicit the incitement to violence against the Leonardo entourage, after the defeat with the Marítimo, Madeira, in the last day of the championship "Beat in them PF"; "What shame are we going to hit them?" "The children of a grandfather, for me had to go to training"; "Bora, go … everything to wear on the horns," are some of the phrases exchanged between the elements of these groups. In addition, there are mentions to certain elements of the establishment. "F *, just like Adrien, do everything so that nobody does anything to them, I want to hit them and Jesus too, it seemed that he was lying on the beach … F … … Inadmissible. .. A sports trainer lying in a game,, epa "; "Coentrão in the 2nd part did not want to play anymore"; "William, I do not even have words for this guy, I just want to beat him"; "Patricio f * sees it's already cracking for the club, Coates disgusting again, Piccini neither with the fart can, Gelson is stupid every day, Bas Dost does not run think they're only playing for him, "will

The prosecutor confirms 9 detainees
In a statement, the Lisbon prosecutor's office confirms that nine arrests were made Monday in a mega-operation between the GNR and the PSP. In this batch, eight gave yesterday the entrance to the Barreiro Court. During the morning, the judge of criminal investigation, Carlos Delca, informed the media that the suspects should not begin to be heard from today.

Author: Ricardo Granada

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