Red Dead Online is made available gradually, to result in the launch for all players next Friday (November 30).
However, it is important to note that the multiplayer mode of the title of Rockstar is in a beta period which, according to the company itself, can last weeks, even months. The developer also revealed, through a statement on the mode, that the progress made by the players during the beta might not go to the final version.
"We hope that all the players' progress during this initial beta period will remain intact in the long run, but like many versions of large-scale online experiences like ours, there is always a chance that the case data of problems. "
Rockstar also discussed Red Dead Online's PvP modes, including the Royal Battle Mode, a term the company does not refer to. With the name "Make it Count", players will have to use a bow and arrow or knife to cast the last survivor. The fight takes place in an area that will gradually decrease.
During this day, we learned that it would take up to 8 hours to get a gold bullion on Red Dead Online, which may be displeasing to some players, especially if your progression comes down to The starting point.
Abílio Rodrigues [of Rivia] is the technology editor of IGN Portugal, I admit to being a music lover and a video game enthusiast on PC. You can follow him on @KaikaneTR
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