Rio defends that if the next OE is hit, the coast should make the PSD / SDC government achievable


In an interview with TVI, Rui Rio criticizes the economic model of the current executive, which he compares to La Fontaine's fable and considers that the demands of teachers are "fair", while ensuring that it will never balance the budget balance

"We must find an intermediate solution that can not be the nine years fully applied in the state budget for 2019", he defended, believing that it can be diluted the replacement of years of service in time. or find other forms of trading, such as early retirement.

The leader of the PSD declared until he was convinced that "the government already has a solution" to the conflict with teachers and that this "will end up being the currency of exchange ". for the passing of the state budget. "

With respect to the executive's budget proposal, Rio again stated that it can not anticipate the meaning of the PSD's vote compared to a document what it do not know, but considered that "the logic" is that it is approved by the leftist parties that support the government, otherwise "it would be bad for everyone."

"If the budget fell, a PSD / CDS government. He did not say in 2015 that the government of Passos Coelho just did it because he got a majority? If he could not do it now, he should apologize and support a PSD / CDS government, as long as the President of the Republic would have agreed, "he said, recalling that this coalition was the most voted in the 2015 parliamentary elections.

Half an hour, Rui Rio tried to show what he would do differently from the current economic model of the government, saying that it was prime Minister "he had been more restrained and bet more on the future and less on the present."

-Minister recently said that the PS is not the old man and is right, the PS looks like more to the cicada, "he criticizes, invoking the fable of La Fontaine, in which, unlike the ant, the cicada prefers to sing For the difficult moments

The president of the PSD admitted that he would have returned the wages and the pensions "in a more cadenciada way" and would have benefited from the eco growth nomic to further reduce the deficit and debt, "which has reached a maximum of"

Rui Rio pointed out that the country's economic growth could be much better – "it is the fourth worst of the year". European Union "- and that although unemployment has dropped significantly, productivity has also declined

" These jobs are part of a low-wage economic model, "he said, pointing out that executives the best prepared in the country continue to emigrate.

For the PSD president, the growth model must be based on exports and investments. the current government is more consumer-oriented and has no "policy to cherish investment", ie foreigners.

As a general principle of a PSD policy in a future government, Rio stressed, "If I were prime minister when I became prime minister, I would never question the Portuguese budget balance and I will do everything to reduce public debt, it is for everything. "

The president of the PSD considered that this maxim also applies the question of teachers, although qualifying this class as" very important "and that, for the most part, it receives" low wages "and n & rsquo; Are entitled to any allowance when professionals are displaced, contrary to what happens for example to magistrates [QuestionedabouttheCPPandBEproposalsasthereductionofTVAsontheelectricityorincreaseofthenationalaveragetomorethan600RIoadreported"itisverydifficultnottoagreewiththemeasures"

"The problem is Is not to agree, is it possible or not? ", He stressed, however, in the field of energy, it would be possible to lower the" better fight the excessive income of the EDP "and that it must "Forcing the rise of NMS above inflation."

Already on the reduction of 40 to 35 hours in the civil service, the Social Democrat leader classed it as "a total irresponsibility," especially in the health sector, accusing the government of not having prepared the public administration for this change. " 19659002 "Either they put it to work or, if there are no conditions, they have to go back to 40 hours", defended

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