Roma and Bordeaux announced an agreement, but appeared in Barcelona and everything changed


Malcom was being transferred to Italy, but the entrance to Barcelona on the scene provoked a flip-flop.

A case that has all the ingredients become a market novel. On Monday, Roma announced it had reached an agreement with Bordeaux for the transfer of Malcolm, in an agreement that, according to the Brazilian press, had been closed for 38 million euros.

The Catalans, who have been frustrated by several attempts by Chelsea's Willian, have chosen to turn to Malcom and, according to the newspaper As, has advanced with an offer superior to that of the Italian club for the Brazilian 21, who scored 12 goals in 38 games last season

Barca is now very close to getting a wing brace, as he wished, for about half the price that Chelsea has set for Willian. Roma, in turn, is preparing to be without a player who was virtually guaranteed.

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