Ronaldo refused 200 million from China and has already signed a contract in Italy (and is not yet Juventus) – Observer


This will be the 7th of the 7th month of 2017 year the presentation of the new number 7, but the maximum seen was by mistake: in the Chinese social network Weibo, Juventus showed a movie with the latest players who s & rsquo; Dressed this sweater in the club, erased the publication that everyone thought was related to Cristiano Ronaldo and then there was the explanation that it was something just related on the date itself. It was not Saturday, it was not Sunday, we already said it could be Tuesday. While everything is going on, the Portuguese continue to spend holidays in Greece with the family.

– Patrick Gullaci (@pgullaci) July 8, 2018

After all, what happens to a company that seems to be done continues to be postponed ? Above all, there are two main reasons: on the one hand, the news that comes from several Italian agencies, which say that Real Madrid, contrary to what was combined with the player and Jorge Mendes, already asks 50 million 100 million euros established; on the other, information that runs through almost all Spanish publications, which guarantees that only Florentino Perez will want to see Ronaldo assume that he intends to leave the club.

However, there is two good news before entering the decisive week to know the future of the captain of the national team next season: we learned that the attacker refused a proposal from China where he would receive 200 million euros for a two-year contract in the same day a link was announced in Italy … which did not nothing to do with Juventus or their own sport.

The moment that still sighs the fans of Juventus: the goal of Ronaldo in Turin (Emilio Andreoli / Getty Images)

According to Marca the best player in the world will have received a fabulous proposal from the from China, a league where they have already passed (or are there) names like Tevez, Hul k, Oscar, Witsel, Mascherano, Carrasco or Gaitán, which would give him a total of 100 million euros for each of the two contractual periods. The offer arrived in 2017 and is now recovered by the newspaper to justify the reasons why it intends to leave the Spanish capital: more than money, Ronaldo has always in the lead the sporting goals and the 28 calls of Agnelli of Juventus on the project to put the Vecchia Signora to fight for the Champions League convinced the number 7. C & # 39; is a contract that will bring back 120 million euros of net wages over four seasons.

In parallel, and in the big news of the day, cited by Gazzetta dello Sport a contract of Cristiano Ronaldo was made public with AVIS (Italian Voluntary Association of Blood), a charity for donation of blood. "It's a great pride for us to announce the agreement with the biggest football phenomenon, Cristiano Ronaldo," explained the organization in a statement. Thus, among other actions, it is likely that the city of Bellano, near Lake Como, will have several commercials and billboards in addition to advertisements on internet and social networks. Soon we will know if it is the only contract that the Portuguese will sign in Italy in the short term …

In the middle, what is already nicknamed "Coup of the century" continues to know other parallel details . After Sky Italia reported Saturday that the striker had called Carlo Ancelotti to learn more about Juventus, this Sunday Corriero dello Sport revealed part of the conversation, stating that of the conversation, his former coach will have stressed that Massimiliano Allegri was the ideal coach for himself, at the opposite pole, Luka Modric, the great Croatian hero for the semifinals of the World Cup, asked to be "to be the best in the world". "I do not think he's going to leave, I really think he's going to stay."

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