Russian players used amonaco in matches of the World Cup – World


It is a practice that is not illegal but promotes the improvement of sports performance. The German daily BILD raised suspicions about the use of ammonia by Russian national players before the matches against Spain and Croatia, the matches of the Cup of world.

In a report on how to improve performance the Munich-based newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung quotes a source from the Russian Football Federation as saying that one of the supporters of the national team Russian inhaled ammonia soaked in a piece of cotton

. the German press, which has raised controversy, the use of the substance is not prohibited by the FIFA International Anti-Doping Regulations, but its use can promote physical benefits such as respiratory stimulation and the ## EQU1 ## 39, improving the flow of oxygen in the blood
The Russian team confirms the use of ammonia
Following accusations in the German press, the doctor of the # 39; Russian football team confirmed the use of ammonia but denies that doping is involved .

Eduard Bezuglov explained to Russian media that ammonia was actually inhaled, but he assures that the practice is not illegal

"It's a simple ammonia , which impregnates pieces of cotton and then inhales.This is done by thousands of athletes to stimulate them.It has been used for decades. "

Bezuglov also explained that the use of ammonia is not exclusive to the sport, that it is used daily and that this substance is easily purchased in a pharmacy.

Doping scandals in Russian sport
The last few years have been fertile in scandals in Russian sport.
"It has nothing to do with doping ." For more than three years, several media have reported a doping program for Russian athletes at the Winter Olympics in Sochi and at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The highest incidence of doping occurred in Sochi, a Russian city that hosted the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. The International Olympic Committee and the 39; World Anti-Doping Agency have both announced investigations into one of the largest doping scams known in sport

The Olympic Committee spoke of an "unprecedented" event and has launched two investigations. The first sought to prove the systematic handling of samples at the Sochi games and the second attempted to clarify the level of knowledge and involvement of the Russian state.

It was discovered that more than a thousand athletes were involved in the scandal. explained by some of the speakers, like the former athlete Yulia Stepanova and the former head of the Russian anti-doping laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov (now lives in the United States).

One of the investigations into the scandal revealed that the Russian authorities created a system that allowed a Moscow laboratory to manipulate positive doping results into negatives

Russia was finally banned from the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea, but the athletes proved "Clean players" were able to participate in the competition represented by the Olympic flag.

The use of the Ammonia by the players of the sele Russia bears no fault, but the scandals of history related to doping in the past is the cause of much controversy, two days after the l '; elimination of the World Cup of Russia against Croatia.

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