Ryanair European cabin crew members meet today to plan a strike – News


Ryanair European cabin crew unions will meet today in Belgium to schedule a strike in July to call for national and non-Irish laws.

The low-cost carrier canceled 1,100 flights in June due to strikes and a lack of air traffic controllers (ATC), while the previous year this number was 41.

On July 3, Kenny Jacobs, Ryanair said in a statement that "unfortunately, more than 210,000 Ryanair customers saw their flights canceled in June because of four weekends and a shortage of ATC staff in France, the United Kingdom and Germany ".

The company has called for "urgent action by the European Commission and European governments to mitigate the effects of strikes and shortages of ATC personnel in the UK, Germany and France, which are disrupting travel plans of millions of European consumers this summer. "

Nevertheless, the company announced that it had increased by 7% in June its traffic in June to reach a total of 12.6 million passengers.

Annual traffic also increased by 7% Ryanair Managing Director Michael O Leary warned last month that "the situation is particularly serious at weekends" when German, French and German "

" The reality is that there is no staff needed to handle the number of scheduled flights, "he said.

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