Samsung – News about the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy X!


As you know, Samsung's grand introductory price this year is Galaxy Note 9! However, apparently, this will be nothing out of the ordinary in terms of news about his predecessor. This is normal because traditionally Samsung presents its great innovations in terms of design and functionality every 2 years.

That's why the Galaxy S10 should really be something special! But in parallel, Samsung also plans to launch the world's first folding mobile phone, the Galaxy X!

The mobile phone even starts generating a lot of hype, even considering its apparent price of $ 1850.

  Samsung Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10

Well, a new rumor points to the launch of "X" already in the CES 2019, which was true, was already planned. worked on your foldable cell phone for about 5 years!

The Galaxy X should have a full screen display, but it has only recently begun to talk more openly about it.

Which ultimately means that he is finally ready to show what should be the most innovative mobile phone in recent years. of 5.3 "when completely folded! Offering a gigantic use area when" stretched. "There are" zuns-zuns "to circulate, which the South Korean giant has even shown a prototype of the device , during a private event during the CES 2018.

It is therefore logical that the company take the year 2018 for all aspects of the mobile phone, to reveal it at the same event in 2019.

 Samsung Galaxy X Galaxy S10

Despite all the positive comments on the Galaxy S9 … Its design very similar to the S8,

Mobile phone that should contain facial recognition 3D

So, all eyes are now on the Galaxy S10!

  Samsung Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10

Cell phone that should contain 3D facial recognition as well as a sensor. fingerprints on the screen.

That said, we expect that Samsung begins to mass produce its new high-end in November! However, it will not be presented at CES 2019 with Galaxy X!

In summary, like the S9, the Galaxy S10 should be presented at the MWC, which will take place the last week of February.


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