Samsung reveals the RAM that makes the cell phone battery longer Cell phone


Samsung announced the start of mass production of a new series of RAM LPDDR4X modules. Designed for mobile phones, the second generation of the component retains the same transfer rate of 4,266 Mb / s (megabits per second) as the previous one, but is distinguished by a 10% reduction in energy expenditure. In practice, devices equipped with technology will have a longer battery life, according to the company.

South Korea's new chips have achieved greater efficiency from the migration to the 10-nanometer manufacturing process. It is expected that the new components will reach smartphones in early 2019.

  chip with eight 16GB modules have 8GB capacity (Photo: Divulgação / Samsung) <img class = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "chip with eight have a capacity of 8GB (Reuters / Samsung) 16GB modules" Chip with eight 16GB modules have a capacity of 8GB (Photo: Divulga / Samsung) "data-src = "×52:634×406/984×0/smart/ filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.gif (Reuters) – Samsung also unveiled the latest version of its new mobile phone, which should be available in the near future. It's the reduction in the physical size of the chips that will use the new memories. According to Samsung, a chip with four modules is 20% smaller than the previous one. This reduction is important, considering the slimmer design of the new smartphones.

These 16 Gb (gigabits) obtained in a single module are equal to 2 GB (gigabytes) of storage. By combining four of these modules into a single memory chip, it is possible to reach the capacity of 8 GB of RAM. According to Samsung, in this scenario, the system has a memory of four communication channels, which together result in a total band of 34.1 GB / s.

As RAM works by exchanging data all the time with the processor, higher possible throughput in the component is an important factor that can increase in future cell phones.

For information: Samsung

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