São Paulo makes the official exit of the Eder Militão for FC Porto – FC Porto


São Paulo announced Wednesday that it had reached an agreement with FC Porto for the transfer of Eder Militão in a 4 million euro contract. "After weeks of negotiations, the board of directors accepted a final proposal for the transfer of the athlete, which was unanimously approved at a special meeting of the board of directors. On the bases presented, São Paulo will receive 4 million euros for the company. 10% of the income from a future sale, "it can be read in the statement of the 39, Brazilian emblem ", can read from the official website of the Brazilian emblem.

São Paulo" has devoted every effort possible in several attempts and proposals to renew the contract of Militão, which ends on January 11, 2019. However, the athlete has defined following his career in European football and expressed the express desire not to renew your contract. In this way, São Paulo opened negotiations to be compensated, due to the planned contractual break, and concluded a financial agreement with Oporto. "

Militão, 20, will leave São Paulo only after August 5 (26/7), Cruzeiro (29/7), Colon (2/8) and Vasco (5/8), who have been in charge of the next four matches, (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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