Sell cheap smartphones, but PC sales on the rise!


For those who thought the PCs were destined to disappear, let it go! Well, a surprise sales increase this year, the first since 2012!

Interestingly, at the same time as smartphone sales are down! It is becoming increasingly rare for a consumer to switch phones every year, "enduring" the same handset for more than 24 months.

The market research companies "Gartner" and "IDC" have released their reports this week. This shows an increase in the second quarter between 1.4 and 2.7%. Probably because of the need for workstations by companies as well as the PC Gaming boom.

However, Mikako Kitagawa, an analyst at Gartner, says this growth will be short-lived, as it is largely due to "The increase in sales in the second quarter of 2018 was due to increased demand in the consumer market. companies, which canceled the decline in the consumer market. "

"Well, the trend remains the same! Consumers are using more and more their smartphone for their daily tasks. Such as interaction with social networks, calendar, shopping, etc … Which reduces in sum the need to purchase a PC. "

Already the researcher IDC's' Jay Chou & # 39; Summarizes his work by saying that the PC is still not the ideal computing device in many scenarios.

  PC PCs

However, the market continues to show pockets of resistance. Indeed, even certain types of office are growing in popularity thanks to the business update cycle!

Of course, we have PC Gaming, which comes back in a way never seen before, with super popular games like League of According to IDC data, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Apple and Acer have Known Legends, Legg, Legn and CS Raises: Go Delight Players

The increase, as shown, will likely be fleeting! But still, it's an interesting model to observe in an economy where portability and size continue to drive many of our buying decisions.


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