SIC News | PSD and CDS have unduly received € 98,000 from the 2015 campaign grant


The report on the accounts of the 2015 campaign, consulted by the radio, explains that the candidacy of the PSD and the CDS-PP for the circles of Madeira and Azores in the legislative elections of 2015, where they competed separately, [19659002] For the PIU, which works with the Constitutional Court (TC), the law stipulates that only the parties eligible for the subsidy are entitled to the subsidy. 51% of the seats in parliament and, in isolation, the CDS-PP represented only 2.6% and the DSP 4.8%.

The set of accounts finds that it is absurd to add isolated applications to those in which Otherwise, according to the report quoted by TSF, the parties of the coalition "would, as a whole doubled or tripled the mandates for each of the parties, as was the case for the PSD and the CDS in the rest of the country.

circle. "According to the calculations of the ECFP, the PSD received unduly 90 thousand euros and the CDS eight thousand euros.

Although these payments are considered absurd, the entity acknowledges that it is not an irregularity since, legally, the calculation and payment of the subsidy is of the responsibility of the Assembly of the Republic and the ECFP can not do anything.


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