SIC News | Tourism tax funds ten electric trucks to help clean up Lisbon


Recalling that Lisbon won the Green Capital of Europe award in June, the Mayor of Lisbon said at the vehicle handover ceremony this year: "Every day, Lisbon will show examples of 39, innovation in environmental sustainability. .

The first example is the delivery of these ten electric trucks to the parish councils of Arroios, Avenidas Novas, Belém, Estrela, Misericórdia, Parque das Nações, Penha de França, Santa Maria Maior, Santo António and São Vicente. Duarte Cordeiro, vice president of the city, told the Lusa news agency that the funding came from the municipal tax on tourism – which costs one euro per night per person, up to a maximum of seven euros – and that the ten parishes were chosen to be the "areas of the historic center with greater tourist pressure".

The partnership between the municipality and the Japanese company Mitsubishi has received funding of 415 thousand euros and the director of the department of mechanical repair and maintenance of the House of Lisbon, Filipa Penedo, explained that these are the first vehicles of the kind generally

"It's the test period and it's only after this period that they are on sale, [mas para a Câmara de Lisboa] it is a pre-sale, "he added, listing that the municipality is" the only public entity participating in this project ".

"The contract [efetivo] can only be done in 24 months" because the vehicles are still "not for sale," he said.

According to the information presented, 100 units were produced this year in a factory in the parish of Tramagal, in the municipality of Abrantes, and in addition to Lisbon, the project is implemented in Tokyo (Japan) , New York (United States), Berlin (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands) and London (United Kingdom).

Filipa Penedo assured that "all the drivers of the board who will operate these vehicles have been trained" and there will also be "weekly follow-up" by the local authorities.

In these cities will be private entities to use the vehicles. and society

At the ceremony, the mayor of Lisbon said that the use of these vehicles will help advance with the "sustainability agenda" of the capital, as well as " the increase in efficiency "urban hygiene services" "

" The battle for sustainability will be won or lost in cities, "he said.

Duarte Cordeiro added that "in five months" will replace diesel vehicles in the municipality by hybrids – with the exception of police vehicles and fire trucks -, bringing the number of vehicles respectful of the environment from 60 to 160.

The mayor also said that the process of vehicle exchange is g radual and will take into account the useful life of current vehicles because "it does not" is not replaced by the simple replacement ", but that the intention in the future is to have a municipal fleet composed solely of hybrid or electric vehicles.

At the ceremony, the mayor of Lisbon launched the challenge to Mitsubishi: "When you think about investing in factories and technology, think about Portugal."


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