There are Canadian scientists to develop the one that is classified as the first cannabis beer in the world. At that time, quantities, aromas and fermentation techniques are being determined and this is only one of the products that can be developed once full legalization will come into effect as early as October of this year. The sale of food containing cannabis will be legal a year later, but the test phase is underway.
There is already "cannabis" and "with" fermented beers with some marijuana oil to mix the producers of this new beer do not want to "just" that. "This is not what we do.Our beer is fermented from the stems and roots of the plant," said Domma Wendschuh, Brands brand representative, who develops the drink. I started thinking about the possibility of developing something that could serve the social goals that alcohol serves in our society. "For Wendschuh, Canada is now the only place where this activity would be
But as soon as he began developing the drink, the team had to face a serious problem: "We ended up with products that had a terrible taste. . I knew rotten broccoli, "said Wendschuh.With the help of a scientist, they managed the perfect combination of hops, water, enzymes and cannabis. alcohol produced naturally during the fermentation would be removed, which would make it a non-alcoholic and gluten-free drink – only able to induce a certain "mocha", which would not be alien to alcohol consumers or consumers of This effect "feels immediately," says Wendschuh, "which is usually not the case with edible products derived from cannabis."
Ingestible Uses Do not Go for Liquids – Despite the fact There are also companies developing cocktails with cannabis In this market, which should be multimillionaire, there will be room, for example, for honey and marijuana confectionery.The analysts of this market say that the industry of pro Cannabis cannabis could reach 22 billion Canadian dollars (14.6 billion euros).
The idea is that it is only the first beer of a range of several, with varying tastes and of many types, as do traditional brands now producing black beers, more aromatic, more dense, more or less alcoholic – in this case with more or less THC, the active compound of the plant [19659006]
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