Even at the height of the crisis, the percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) spent on care in public health facilities was so low. "In 2019, clear signs of NHS defense must be given because this year we had the lowest budget in recent years as a percentage of GDP," he said. said Alexander Lourenço to Expresso, adding that it is necessary to "pass words to deeds" adding that "from the point of view of public spending, there must clearly be an investment in the NHS."
The President of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators criticized the Ministry of Finance for the high costs of treating patients since the NHS is funded "by providers" and the delay in payments is reflected "in the cost of buying goods and services, from 5% to 10% "
According to Alexander Lourenço, what is called lack of doctors is, after all, a dispersion and is resolved by the concentration of professionals and services, including emergencies. "There is no place in the world where, within a ten minute radius, there are four or five hospitals offering specialized services," says Alexandre Lourenço at the weekly
. of equipment inside, highlighting the absence of a mammogram in the Algarve, or commodities, the case of hydrogen peroxide to Evora. "It's absurd even under present conditions."
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