Tag Archives: live

go live – Observer

[ad_1] Red moon. The biggest lunar eclipse of the century has begun: go live – Observer 19659014] Sign in Eclipse The largest lunar eclipse of the 21st century has already begun. The …

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How the Sandinistas live in the crisis in Nicaragua Daniel Ortega: Today, 39 years after taking office, he has been re-elected for a third term as President of Nicaragua

[ad_1] <img src = "https://abrilexame.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/2016-11-07t013334z_1042636152_s1aeuljkegaa_rtrmadp_3_nicaragua-election-e1478512052626.jpg" class = "abril-image optimized lazyload" abril-data-id = "3008334" sizes = "(min-width: 991px) 680px, (max-width: 420px) 420px, (max-width: 360px) 360px," srcset = "https://abrilexame.files.wordpress.com/ 2016/11 / 2016-11-07t013334z_1042636152_s1aeuljkegaa_rtrmadp_3_nicaragua-election-e1478512052626.jpg? Quality = …

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