The agreement with the government is worth 275 million euros for municipalities


The agreement reached yesterday between the Government and the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) will allow municipalities to recover 200 million euros from state budget transfers and to To have 75 million new incomes in the field of VAT [19659001ThefigureshavebeenreportedtotheagencyLusaparRibauEstevesvice-presidentoftheANMPquiaprecisequecreatestablishedcloseonthe"law-frameworkredecentralization"thenew"loidefinanceslocales"anddécrets"

" We still have work to do and it was referenced on September 15 to finish what's missing, and it's not much, in the context of sectoral diplomas, arrive at that date with the whole process over, "said Lusa the president also of the Commune of Aveiro

It was in the financial field that the understanding between the Government and the ANMP proved more difficult, but Ribau Esteves re knows that what has been achieved is important

"We reached an agreement. We would have liked to go further, but we think that it is a good step. Two important figures: the first is the increase in transfers from the state budget, which we consider as part of the financial capacity of municipalities that has been lost in recent years. "called a new income, which is an additional income of municipalities, derived from a 7.5 percent percentage of a portion of VAT revenues, and this component will be worth about 75 million; euros per year, from 2020, The decentralization of powers should be done without increasing public spending, for which, in the state budget 2019, will be created the Fund for financing decentralization, funded by the funds of the Central Administration

It is from this fund that the amounts to be contracted with the municipalities will be released in 21 zones to be decentralized and which will be established in sectoral decrees, for the

The education and health sectors are the ones with the most financial expression, with an almost closed agreement, which provides municipalities with the management of school buildings and auxiliary staff, even in schools. Secondary education, as well as in the primary care network in the field of health.

Culture is another area in which agreement for the transfer to the municipal administration of several buildings "registered" by the country is closed, as has experimented with the Santa Museum Joana, who will now have a definitive character, according to Ribau Esteves.

In the field of the Environment, municipalities are now on the advisory boards of reserves and nature parks and, in the case of coastal areas, will receive the management of port areas with no operational interest.

Ribau Esteves gives as examples, in his municipality, the space of the old Aveiro loft or the basin of r

The National Association of Portuguese Municipalities announced today the closing of the negotiation process with the government on decentralization and local finances, guaranteeing an increase of 2 to 10% of the funds to be transferred to local authorities, as well as a 7.5% share of the VAT levied on essential services such as communications, electricity, water, gas, housing and restoration

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