THE BALL – Klopp talks about a controversial video: "We have been exaggerating in alcohol" (Liverpool)


After the defeat of the Champions League final against Real Madrid, it was thought that a sense of disappointment was going to invade the Liverpool club, but that was not quite what s & rsquo; Had passed.

In a video that quickly became viral, filmed in Kiev, Jurgen Klopp showed all excited, singing something unpleasant to the merengue club.

"We saw the Champions League Cup, Real Madrid had all the luck. We promise that we will continue well, and will bring it to Liverpool, "sang the German coach at the time.

A little over two months after the confrontation, in an interview at the portal Goal, the coach of the network explains the video and admits to having "exaggerated in alcohol."

"Of course, we all had a small overdose of alcohol, and when that happens, we should tidy up Cellphones. This is the best advice. "

" But I can say this: with all that I have, I want to win, I hate to lose, I have had to learn to accept, but I still hate, "he said. says

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