The Beiçola who cleared garbage from the street to play football and arrives in Madrid in exchange for 45 million – Observer


South American Championship U-17, March 8, 2017. Brazil play Paraguay in the game for Group B of the competition, and even ends up shooting two balls, but the most important of this meeting That would be the result: at the half-hour, a 16-year-old kid catches the ball and passes it, not one, not two, but three opponents. The move did not have much practical effect in the game, to tell the truth, but would have had in the career of Vinicius Júnior, juggling author, who has attracted the attention from the test thereafter. At the time, the young man had not even made his debut in the main Flamengo team, where he was playing at the level of training, but he also drew the attention of the Brazilian people and European sharks. Vinicius was the top scorer in the competition with seven goals in nine games and won the best player award in the competition which ended with the win of the South American championship. Brazil (in the last match, the Canarinhos won the host formation of Chile by 5-0). The consequences could not be expected and, two months later, Real Madrid paid 45 million euros to Flamengo to guarantee the services of the promise of 16 years. The player remained in Rio de Janeiro until the age of 18 on July 12, when he went to Spain. This Thursday, it was officially introduced as "merengue". .

[Veja os melhores momentos de Vinicius Júnior no Campeonato Sul-Americano Sub-17, que lhe abriu as portas do Real Madrid]

Destined as the next Neymar, Vinicius Júnior did not have an easy childhood. The advanced youth grew up in São Gonçalo, one of the most violent regions of Rio de Janeiro, in the district of Portão do Rosa. There, he divided a house of four divisions with the parents, the two brothers and the grandparents; Nearby, in the Salgueiro, considered by the Brazilian police as one of Rio's most dangerous favela complexes, began to kick off the ball.

"It's not worth shooting there, they may be frightened by the presence of traffickers in the area" tells Vinicius José Paixão de Oliveira, father of the new merengue, in statements to the newspaper Folha of S. Paulo . The harsh reality of a common future in this region, stained by drug trafficking and crime, was suspended in the air of São Gonçalo. With a million inhabitants, the area where Vinicius lived was dominated by crime and garbage – in the street, in homes, everywhere. But Vinicius knew what he wanted and nothing prevented him from focusing on football: when many friends of the young star were looking to get up in the world of crime, the attacker just wanted to playing ball and never went by more dubious paths [19659004"Hewasalwaysobsessedbyfootball"Wewereplayinginthehouseandwhenitwasfullofgratitudeweweredoingeverythingwithafairgamethatwecouldplay"explainsanoldneighbortothenewspaper Globo. But the constant search for the dream of a live football led Vinicius to leave the region of São Gonçalo in At the age of 14. The attacker went to live with an uncle at Piedade, north of Rio, in order to get closer to the Flamengo training camp, his great club passion

From São Gonçalo, took a nickname: Beiçola, wins in the neighborhood and in the club to play. In training at Flamengo schools in São Gonçalo since the age of six, Vinicius Júnior was a special case: the head of the schools did not charge the monthly fee of 100 reais (about 23 euros) to be "astonished" by his football. And the case was no different, since, serving the Flamengo clubs, Vinicius Junior collected 20 regional titles before going to the Brazilian-Luso stadium, home of the Rio club.

The new pearl & # 39; canarinha & # 39; has played for Flamengo juniors, up to the 2017 South American championship already spoken. The debut for Flamengo's main team took place after this competition and, by the time Real Madrid closed the Brazilian's purchase, it only counted 15 minutes of senior football. Since this did not prevent Florentino Pérez from opening the laces on the stock exchange to guarantee the services of the young, who was also closely followed by his rival Barcelona. The club of the Spanish capital even made insurance to avoid damage if Vinicius Júnior was injured before the trip to Spain

In the last match of the Estádio Luso Brasileiro, Vinicius Júnior celebrated the victory over Paraná and he said goodbye to the supporters who always supported him in the club (Credits: Getty Images)

When he arrives in Madrid, he will walk on land once scarred by his idol: Robinho. The old promise of Brazilian football has had a not very happy pass for Real Madrid and is now serving Atlético Mineiro. He wanted the fate that Vinicius Júnior's debut in the senior team of Flamengo were exactly against the Atletico Mineiro, with Robinho on the field, by the opposing team. The young Brazilian played nine minutes and, at the end of the match, received the jersey of his idol as a gift, a day that he will never forget. Curious case: Vinicius Júnior made his professional debut at the age of 16; Neymar and Robinho only at 17 years old.

Serving Flamengo, Vinicius Júnior has played 69 games in the past two seasons, scoring 14 goals. The young striker, who prefers to play the left midfielder using his virtuoso right foot when he runs away in the middle, never took over as an absolute beginner in the Brazilian team, but he won the hearts of fans screaming at his entrance to the bench. In his heart, Vinicius takes São Gonçalo and the schools where he took the first kicks – " He always visits us after a title won.Make sure to bring the medal. C & Was like that early in the year, when she won the South American Under-17 Championship, "says Valéria Dinucci, administrator of the football school, who closely followed the Vinicius' growth and helped to overcome more complicated phases of your grandfather.

Today, Vinicius Júnior can say that he won the war against crime in São Gonçalo, at least yours, when he had everything to be wrong, he chose the right and destiny him so Now, it is an example for those who are forced to choose the reality with which they treat daily or the one they are only dreaming about. "He always thought of football, he was very calm. Today, Vinicius is used as a motivation here." In a conflict zone, we always try to influence students with positive examples ", admits Rosângela, coordinator of one of the public schools attended by Vinicius, with nearly 800 students, most in need.

At Santiago Bernabeu, Vinicius Júnior had before him a presentation with pomp and cirscunstância and the company of someone special for any Brazilian footballer: o Phenomenon, Ronaldo . Bečola, who traveled to Madrid with his father and uncle, begins a new stage in his life. A few days after the age of 18, Vinicius Junior is officially a merengue player and carries with him the weight of a millionaire transfer. Behind, are the times when I cleaned the trash from the street to play; forward, only the future will tell.

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