The best third quarter places Apple at nearly $ 1 trillion


The third quarter of the year is not generally favorable to financial results. This is true for most technology companies, with many well-identified factors. Apple seems to have been able to counter this trend and introduced a few hours ago its financial results, meeting expectations and all its previous results.

Markets also reacted immediately and brought Apple closer to one of its goals. The company is now very close to the value of $ 1 trillion

 Apple's quarter-billion dollar results

A few hours ago that Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, has presented the latest results financial. The numbers presented could not be better, with Apple showing an income of $ 53.3 billion.

The reasons given by Tim Cook for these historical figures are in the layout that the company had on the outside, with 60% of the turnover coming from sales outside the United States [19659002] The big names are also identified, the iPhone and services also representing a significant part of the results that Apple has just presented.

 Apple's results quarter of a billion dollars

iPhone sales have increased little, but gave more

We would expect this quarter iPhone sales would increase again, but the truth is that, compared to the same period last year, they do not shoot. During the quarter, 41.3 million iPhones were sold and 41.03 million in the same quarter of 2017.

What stands out is the average selling price of the iPhone, which now has reached $ 724, thanks to iPhone X. This value is not different than the previous quarter showed in this category.

iPad sales rose

Apple tablet numbers are now also higher compared to the previous quarter. However, if the comparison is made with the same quarter of 2017, the number of sales is virtually the same and has not increased.

 Apple quarter-billion dollar results

MacBook results continue to fall

Apple laptops are currently their lowest-performing product category. During this quarter, sales amounted to 3.72 million units, down 13% from the previous year and reaching the trough of several years ago.

Services, Apple's Big Winner

which ranged from sales of App Store to Apple Care, rose 30% year-over-year to $ 9.55 billion.

Tim Cook highlighted the growth of subscriptions to Apple services and own applications. Apple's Apple Music and Cloud services also showed growth rates of over 50%.

 Apple's quarter-billion dollars results

Other products to display growth

The products have also been a powerful engine of the results of Apple. It is up 37% from 2017 and installs on Apple Watch. Tim Cook said that Apple's watch has increased by 45 percent.

The market wants Apple worth $ 1 billion

With these high results, it was normal for the reaction of the apple market, which brought Apple closer to one of its goals. With stock appreciation, Apple was even closer to becoming the first company worth $ 1 billion.

In the hours following the presentation of the results, the firm estimated more than 7% and is now close to 203 (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f. fbq) is the value of the value of $ 1 billion. ) return, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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