The CCP says it's a lack of respect to talk about minimum wage increases


The President of the Employers' Confederation of Portugal (CIP) has launched the possibility at the end of June to progress with a minimum national wage (SMN) higher than 600 euros in 2019. In the interview at Antena 1 and the "Jornal de Business", António Saraiva said that "it is possible" that the goal set by the government is exceeded.

Several confederations were surprised by the statements of the "Boss of Bosses", pointing out that it is still early to discuss the values. Now, the head of the Confederation of Commerce and Services of Portugal (CCP), João Vieira Lopes, is wearing the words to say that it is a "lack of respect."

"Seizure of the auctions is negative.It is a lack of respect for workers who earn minimum wage and this can create false expectations.It is a lack of respect for the companies that have to study how to integrate these costs, "said Vieira Lopes at the entrance of the meeting of the Social Dialogue to be held on Tuesday in Lisbon.

The president of the PCB adds that sectors, they already pay much more than that There are others for whom it is difficult to pay the minimum wage, so we must weigh all the economic data.We never talk about figures before September or October. "

The CGTP already wants to discuss SMN values ​​

Tuesday's meeting is devoted to the report on the implementation of the tripartite agreement for the minimum wage at the national level, but the CGTP believes that it is a good moment.

"It is inevitable that, after the declaration of the various partners, their proposals will probably be mentioned.Of course, we can not fail to refer to our proposal of 650 euros and its applicability from January 2019". pointed out the secretary general of the Central Sindical, Arménio Carlos

As for the possibility launched by António Saraiva, the leader of the CGTP says that it "fails to attach the acts to the words".

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