The dust storm on Mars completely changed the planet.


Do you remember the gigantic dust storm that hit Mars at the end of May? Yeah, well, it's still going on. What appeared to be a small storm in an isolated region of the planet has already engulfed everything Mars, and NASA has just released a video demonstrating how the storm has changed the planet.

High speed winds have raised so much dust in the atmosphere that Mars no longer looks like a stone ball with colored bands, but rather a nebulous sphere with almost uniform coloring everywhere.

NASA knows that these types of storms that occur on the planet occur from time to time. every six to eight years on Earth – but we do not know yet how they happen. It is that this kind of thing does not happen here on Earth and that the scientific community is spending time studying this subject.

"The mere fact that a local storm is surging and triggering something that charges almost the entire planet is simply remarkable," says Rich Zurek, a scientist working with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

This is a big dust storm, and after seeing these images, it's no wonder that NASA's Opportunity probe was forced to sit still while waiting for better days. The robot has been in low energy storage mode for weeks, waking only occasionally to check its energy level and check how much solar light is hitting the solar panels.

NASA continues to check the storm as best as you can, but we do not know how long it will take for things to calm down, it may take weeks or months before the sky becomes clear again, and we will not know the fate of Opportunity until the Sun can reach the surface of the planet once again.

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