"The electric monster" comes from the government of José Sócrates, according to Mira Amaral – Observer


The Portuguese electricity system is "a disaster" and the people in charge of the situation have a name. For former energy minister Mira Amaral, who was heard Wednesday in a parliamentary committee investigating excessive rents in energy, "the electrical system disaster began in 2007, when the Jose Sócrates' government, with Manuel Pinho as Minister of Trusteeship decided to install 8,000 megawatts [MW] of wind power paid. "

The problem, explained Mira Amaral to the l? audience, is that this wind turbine was "paid for 15 to 20 years with feed-in tariffs" [tarifas bonificadas de venda] "

" The government of Socrates forgot that there was already a lot of power contracted by the PPAs [Contratos de Aquisição de Energia] and CMEC [Custos de Manutenção do Equilíbrio Contratual] which provided for the payment of the fixed costs of the factories that were beginning to work in support of the intermittent, having started to install a duplicate wind capacity to the existing power covered by the PPAs. and CMEC, "said Dr. "Ex-minister

Mira Amaral felt to have" a political, moral and technical authority ". to criticize the created electric monster, "since – as Minister of Industry and Energy from 1987 to 1995 – he opened" the production of electricity to the private sector, thus ending monopoly of EDP production to stimulate other producers, renewable. "

Of the 8,000 MW of intermittent wind turbines that the government of José Sócrates has decided to install, up to now, about 5,300 MW have been installed. he says, "is much higher than the 3,500 MW of consumption power in Portugal during empty hours at night."

Luís Mira Amaral was Minister at the Energy Guard at the time of the Agreements Acquisition (CAE) – created to attract investment and applied to two private thermal power plants, Pego and Tapada do Outeiro However, he specified that the PPAs applied to EDP concern dams and are "after their exit from the government , "he said.

" APPs for EDP plants date back to 1996, not from me but from the government of António. Guterres, "he said.

" Assigning CAE to EDP gave predictability [às receitas da empresa] and made it more attractive for privatization. I know how governments work, usually like to beautify the bride before privatization. I think it was a decisive argument, "said Mira Amaral

.For the former minister, this situation was also due to the ascendancy that finance ministers had in the governments The Minister of Finance commands more than the ministers of the sector. CMEC is a compensation related to the early termination of PPAs, which occurred as a result of the transposition of European legislation at the end of 2004, and was revised.

(19659002) At the present time, the CMEC regime includes 16 EDP hydroelectric generating stations, contracts of which will be put in place progressively by 2027 (Alto Lindoso, [1][2][3][4][5][9][9][9]). may be charged to EDP, which "has been forced to switch from PPPs to CMEC".

Updated at 19:20

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