The Enemy – A report on surprise boxes is provoking controversy in Australia


The Australian Senate Environment and communication references published its final report analyzing the booty boxes. The document states that the subject should be researched in a number of other institutions, so that their eventual relationship with play is thoroughly examined.

Jordon Steele-John, Senator of the country, was very dissatisfied with the analysis: "Many baggage compartments use a number of psychological mechanisms that are found in other forms of gambling, including variable rate reinforcement, grooming and constant availability.he said in an official announcement.

Outraged, the senator complains that the document did not analyze the appearance of the game, even if, in his opinion, they "huge proof"that both use similar mechanisms.

"This survey was an opportunity to protect young people from harm. This opportunity has now been lost because the Labor Party and the coalition government are in the pockets of the poker machine industry and are willing to place their donations more than the safety of young people."It is important to note that Australia is one of the world leaders in the number of poker machines.

The document, on the other hand, tries to specify that the boxes of loot are not homogeneous:There are a variety of booty chests that can be acquired through achievements in the game and to real money. The boxes can also be different if the virtual elements can be monetized".

Surprise boxes have been surveyed around the world. In Belgium, games like Overwatch and Against Strike: World Offensive prohibit calling from their local servers.

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