The government ensures that the head of the Court of Auditors does not leave National 125 in a "legal vacuum"


The Minister of Planning and Infrastructure assured Wednesday that the initiative of the Court of Auditors to review the agreement of the sub-concession of the Algarve Litoral will not leave Estrada Nacional 125 in a "legal vacuum".

After a hearing in parliament, Pedro Marques pointed out that "the fact that this amendment was not intended means that there is a contract" by the concessionaire. "And if you do not do it, it also has legal consequences and from now on, Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) will assume all the responsibilities within the framework of its management the law allows the mechanisms that allow the management of the road .We will continue to work, as has always been our commitment, "he assured

Irony that" it seems like a well kept secret "Pedro Marques noted that the work is underway 48 kilometers of highways 125 and 124 in the Algarve, including the total resurfacing of the National 125, connecting Vila do Bispo to Vila Real de Santo António

On June 28, the government informed that the Infraestruturas de Portugal would appeal the stop of the Court of Auditors (ToC), which rejected the approval of the revision of the sub-concession contract Algarve Litoral signed with the concessionaire Rotas do Algarve Litoral. According to a note from the cabinet of the Minister of Planning and Infrastructure, "the initial contract amendments established by the August 2015 agreement and meanwhile granted have now been rejected by the ToC."

The amendment to the initial contract was agreed in August 2015 between IP and concessionaire Rotas do Algarve Litoral (RAL) and anticipated the reversion of 131 kilometers of roads to the jurisdiction of the public company, of which part of the concession of the road of the national road (EN) 125 between Vila Real de Santo António and Olhão in the Algarve

The refusal of the ToC to revise the contract prevents the PI from proceeding to the renovation of this section of EN125, although they have been in progress since the beginning of June, "at the curb, after the public company invoked an exception clause to carry out the work. [19659002] On the occasion, IP did the repair work of identified pathologies at the pavement level, involving milling and resurfacing, elevation of the berms and the execution of the pavement horizontal marking

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