The La Caixa Foundation launches a competition for postdoctoral fellowships


The Foundation "La Caixa" opens this Thursday, for the first time in Portugal, the period of applications for postdoctoral fellowships of the program "La Caixa". Each scholarship, with a maximum duration of three years, can reach a maximum of € 305 100.

The Junior Leader Program "La Caixa" is intended for researchers of any nationality wishing to pursue their research career in Portugal or Spain

Grants are awarded in two ways: Incoming and Withholding. The first address to researchers of all nationalities, while the second requires that they reside in Portugal or Spain for three years.

The program aims to contribute to the internationalization of the research system by the attraction of international talent through the mode Incoming and contribute to the retention of talents with the modality Retaining.

To be competitive, research must respect the ethical principles of the European Union (EU) and applicable national and international law, as well as the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. # 39; man.

] The candidatures ( end on September 26th and the candidates must have obtained a doctorate in the two to seven years preceding the closing date of the convocation.

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