The largest & # 39; Blood Moon & # 39; of the 21st century takes place this Friday (27). The phenomenon will last 4 hours. At Mato Grosso, we can not see the summit of the eclipse, a time reserved for those who live in the far east of Brazil (especially in Recibe), Europe and Africa, but its part final will be visible. Understand:
The researcher of the National Observatory Josina Nascimento highlights the duration of the phenomenon. The last lunar eclipse of relevance occurred in July 2015 and lasted 12 minutes.
The beginning of the total phase of the eclipse will be at 16:30 and the end will be at 18:13, Brasília time. From 18:13 the Moon begins to emerge from the darker shade (ombra) and this marks the beginning of the partial eclipse, which goes until 19:19. At this moment, the Moon begins to enter the lightest shade (penumbra) and this marks the penumbral phase of the eclipse, which will end at 20:29
And for us?
At Mato Grosso, the party will be smaller but no less exciting. It happens that the top of the phenomenon is going well in the east of the planet. The more to the east, therefore, the better. In this aspect, the capital of Pernambuco, Recife, will be considered. There, the Moon was born at 5:15 pm (GMT). The total phase of the eclipse ends at 18:13, that is to say that they will have 58 minutes of show, and in Cuiabá, it will be still 17:13, when we know, the sun is always present!
Center for Weather Prediction and Climate Studies (CPTEC), Friday (27), the sunset will take place in Cuiabá only at 18:32, when the partial eclipse has already closed (18:19), unfortunately. But nothing prevents us from being moved by the penumbral phase of the eclipse, which will end at 19:29
For more information and graphics, see this issue of NASA's [19659002] ] An eclipse occurs whenever a body goes into the shadow of another. Any big body, that is to say that is not a point, produces two shadowy regions: shadow and half-light. The shadow is the region of the shadow that receives no light from any point of the light source and the dim light is the region of the shade that receives light from the light source.
What is the lunar eclipse?
This is when the moon passes through the shadow of the Earth. The eclipse will be total if the Moon is completely submerged in the shadow, it will be partial if the Moon is partially in the shadow and will be penumbral when the Moon will pass only by the penumbra.
What is the Moon of Blood? 19659002] This is called the reddish-orange effect that the Moon takes during the total eclipse. In the whole phase, when the entire Moon is immersed in the shadow, we see the Moon without direct light from the Sun, but some light from the Sun reaches the Moon's surface through the atmosphere of the Moon. Earth and some frequency bands are filtered Just like at dusk in the morning and evening, we are used to seeing before sunrise and after sunset.
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