The latest Airbus aircraft, Beluga XL, looks like a whale and will be just for freight


The latest Airbus is nicknamed "Airbus", nicknamed "Airbus", it is more than 18 meters high and 63 meters long.

The new Beluga XL, the Airbus cargo aircraft "smiling at the whale", made its first test flight last Thursday (

Although the construction had already been announced previously, c & rsquo; Is this week that the Airbus A330-743 Beluga XL attracted more attention on its first trip.The test flight lasted four hours and the aircraft flew over the Pyrenees and part of the Mediterranean before returning to Toulouse, the factory of the construction company.

The aircraft measures 18.9 meters high and 63.1 meters long. However, do not be fooled by the opportunity to make a trip aboard the plane because the plane will only charge mainly Airbus aircraft parts from the various production sites of the group to the aircraft. 39, Toulouse factory, where the assembly process is carried out

The aircraft will gradually replace the existing Beluga ST of 2019 and " is part of our production system, "said Bertrand George, director of the Beluga XL program, detailing the network of European factories involved in the jigsaw of Airbus. "" All Airbus aircraft, with the exception of the A380, which has its own mode of transportation, spend two hours in the beluga "George explained

To make this aircraft 18.9 meters tall, 63.1 meters long with a fuselage of 8.8 meters in diameter, A330 engineers, from which we modified " C & # 39, is an excellent platform, a robust base "he recalled, noting that hundreds of A330s fly daily around the world.] According to the program director, the new aircraft was needed for the production of the new A350 XWB of new generation, which requires composite materials.

" Today, we carry the wings of the A350 XWB one by one, tomorrow we will transport them two by two "said George

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