The letter that could have "killed" IA Aliens: Colonial Marines One of the biggest disappointments of recent years, Aliens: Colonial Marines was responsible for the awakening of hatred.


As the fear that extraterrestrials may have awakened in us has always been the pinnacle of the franchise, many people have not even been able to make much progress in the title campaign created by Gearbox and frankly, I do not blame them. Now, what no one could hope for, is that there is a very simple way to greatly enhance the artificial intelligence of the game, something that is almost nonsense.

The discovery was made by a moder who worked to make Aliens: Colonial Marines a better game and while fumbling in the FPS files, he encountered a weird typo in the PecanEngine file .ini. At one point, the word "tie" was written as "teather" and it would be responsible for making the monsters so … stupid.

The part of the code that is bad We can see below and according to the discoverer, what happens there is that when an xenomorph appears, it is automatically linked to one of these strings. This leads him to act in a certain area, whether he is looking for a fight, looking for exits or going on to other ropes. The idea would be to make movement and attitudes more natural, but every time the game tries to trigger that command, the typing error prevents that.

ClassRemapping = PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather

To better illustrate the situation, take a look at the two videos below. At first we have the alien acting as the game has been delivered and it is easy to see that it is far from threatening. In the second we have the small correction in the code and it is remarkable to see how enemies become more aggressive and able to better follow humans. Of course, the erasure of this letter will not solve all the problems of Aliens: Colonial Marines and some say that the improvement is not so significant in