The Lisbon Assembly rejects the recommendation for the creation of a residential university building


The abstention of the ENP and the PCP and the votes in favor of the MPT, the PAN, the PSD and the CDS were rejected by the votes of BE, PS and six independent deputies.

The PSD's recommendation, presented by Luis Newton in plenary, stressed that "Lisbon needs a residential university pole responding to a shortage of about 10,000 beds" and "climbing rampant cost of housing ". 19659002] Speaking at the session, PCP MP Ana Páscoa agreed that "there is no doubt that there is an urgent need for university housing in Lisbon. ", but argued that it is not in the House to solve this problem.

"Passing this responsibility seems to go really far in the line of transfers of powers for local authorities," he criticized.

Similarly, PEI Cláudia Madeira declared that "finding accommodation in the city of Lisbon has become increasingly difficult for university students, whether in public residences or private homes", she declared. it is the ultimate responsibility of the House to make available and rent and rent university residences.

For his part, the Tiago Ivo Cruz MEP said that the representatives of the PSD declared "difficult to find a house" in Lisbon "and real estate speculation, but" completely omit the PSD's own responsibilities. with the law on rents that provoked this same real estate speculation. "

MPT MP José Inácio Faria was in favor of the PSD's recommendation, saying that housing problems in the city have worsened, with students in front "Submit to"

According to PSD deputies, "the creation of this residential university pole is a means … to intervene on the market, significantly reducing the problem of residences with which Lisbon" [19659002] In the original recommendation, it was stated that the PSD wanted part of this cluster to be incorporated into the Intercampos integrated operation project.However, the party changed the document and asked the House to ensure "an alternative for the construction of long-promised university residences at the area near the Avenue of the Armed Forces."

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