The marketing of fortified wine "Madeira" decreased in the second quarter of 2019


IVBAM data show that the marketing of the generous wine "Madeira" amounted to around 830,000 liters in the second quarter of 2019, which resulted in a first-sale proceeds of 4.8 million euros.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, decreases of 5.6% in quantity and 1.8% in value were recorded, in line with the first quarter of 2019, although less pronounced.

Exports to the two countries of the European Union (-9.2% in volume and -7.0% in value) and to third countries (-10.5% in volume and -3.9% in revenues first sale). ) has decreased from year to year. Madeira wine sales throughout the country increased both in volume (+ 13.4%) and in value (+ 11.1%), while sales in the regional market declined. 2.1% in volume, but 1.2% in value.

By analyzing the information for the first half of 2019, we can see that the quantity traded and the value of the first sale showed negative annual variations, both of -13.5%. Quantities decreased in all markets: non-Community imports decreased by 17.4%, Community imports by 15.0% and domestic imports by 2.8%. The value of the first sale also decreased in all markets: non-Community (-15.6%), intra-Community (-15.2%) and domestic (-7.3%).

During the first six months of the year and compared to the same period in 2018, we note the decline in sales in Sweden (-73.3% in quantities and -68.3% in value) in Denmark (- 47%). 9% in quantity and -30.1% in value) and for the Japanese market (-28.8% in quantity and -34.1% in value). On the other hand, sales in the United Kingdom (+ 64.2% in quantity and + 32.5% in value) and in the Netherlands (+ 19.7% in quantity and + 18.8%) stand out. % value). In the continental market, the quantities traded increased by 51.8%, while the value of the first sale decreased by 0.4%.

Compared with the first half of the year, the two foreign markets that generated the best financial return on Madeira wine sales – France and the United States – were respectively -20.7% and + 3%. 4%. The quantities of Madeira wine marketed on these markets amounted to 1,372 thousand euros in the first case and 1,262 thousand euros in the second. Sales in the regional market decreased by 11.6% in volume and 8.8% in value.

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