The OnePlus 6 rear panel breaks down spontaneously


  OnePlus 6 Rear Panel

OnePlus has introduced a new glass back in its OnePlus 6, which has a more attractive design but also leaves the equipment more vulnerable in case of breakage. However, some users have reported that this rear panel is breaking even though it has not suffered any impact.

According to reports of some OP6 users cited by the portal AndroidHeadlines, the rear panel breaks down spontaneously, without the equipment experiencing a fall or high impact.

In addition, the vast majority of cases occur in equipment that use the company's official protection blanket. Although some users stated that the equipment suffered slight declines, others with the same problem ensure that this did not happen and that the break occurred spontaneously.

One of the users of Reddit claims to have contacted the manufacturer to expose the problem, which suggested replacing the back panel with an associated cost of $ 88. Until now, the company has not yet confirmed the existence of any problem regarding the design of the back panel or if further details are studied about these reports .

In any case, glass back panels have been a growing trend among smartphone manufacturers. These are aesthetically more attractive and allow for better signal reception from the operator, but are considerably more fragile than equipment using metal or plastic plates.

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