The Portuguese Taxi Federation rejects the legalization of platforms like Uber and Cabify


"The FPT, dissatisfied with parliamentary stubbornness, repudiates the changes and approval of the legal regime of the activity of individual and remunerated passenger transport in decarated vehicles from platform electronic form, "he said in a statement. fight at all levels for effective justice for the sector. "

The law that regulates the transport activity in decarized vehicles (TVDE) was approved Thursday with the favorable votes of PS, PSD and PAN, abstention of the CDS-PP and votes against PCP, BE and The Greens (ENP)

In the declaration, the President of the Federation of Portuguese Taxis, Carlos Ramos, declares that "what was approved does not answer in any way the questions posed during the veto" of the President of the Republic. 19659004] Subscribe to newsletters News Diary and receive first-hand information.

Carlos Ramos also stated that "with the exception of the PCP proposals and the positions declared by the BE and the ENP, the PS, PSD and CDS-PP amendments suggested that the substantive issues relating to to quotas and their "

" We will therefore continue with two schemes for equal activity, maintaining the imbalance between the taxi sector and total liberalization, "he said, noting that opportunity to deal comprehensively and with more fairness than it could and should have been treated, "he said, citing the presidential veto.

The Portuguese Federation of Taxes considers that Increase in the contribution rate of platforms to 5% – the first proposal was set between 0.1% and 2% – an insignificant and almost ridiculous amount, considering the values ​​"

The new law envisages also the possibility for companies with an activity Taxi transport to develop TVDE activity – on the proposal of the Socialists – provided that in vehicles not licensed as taxis.

"It's like they're advising us to play chess with ourselves, so let's start competing with the taxi industry ourselves."

The Federation assures that it will not give up

According to the diploma now approved, the determination of the tax to be paid by each operator of TVET will be made on a monthly basis, taking into account the on the basis of the intermediation fees charged for each of the services rendered the previous month – on the proposal of the PS.

Audits to verify the compliance of platforms operating in Portugal with national legislation and competition rules will be the responsibility of the Mobility and Transport Authority.

On the diploma were the proposals of the PCP limit the hours of TVDE drivers, the quota, the prices subject to tariffs approved by the government.

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