The sale of Banif to the Chinese group has already taken place. Company values ​​are not yet known – Observer


The sale of Banco Internacional de Funchal (Banif) to the Chinese group Bison Capital Financial Holdings has been completed, announced Tuesday the Oitante, who detained this financial institution, ensuring compliance with "conditions established in the In a statement, the Ombudsman informs "Bison Capital Financial Holdings" of the conclusion of the process of selling Banif, stating that "the conclusion of this transaction comes after the presentation and the respective authorizations of the competent authorities, to namely the Bank of Portugal, Directorate General Competition of the European Commission and the European Central Bank, with the conditions set out in the agreement of purchase of shares signed on August 3, 2016. "[19659002] In the same note, the Oitante does not disclose the values ​​of the company. When questioned by Lusa, the source of the company refused to give more details because of the confidentiality requested by the parties involved.

The Oitante is the automobile company created under the Banif resolution, end of 2015. The company reserves in note that "in order to achieve the purpose for which it was created – to maximize its value for subsequent sale – it started in April 2016 a competitive sales process ", which was" conducted in accordance with the rules of national, European and international best practice. "

In this process, the 39 "Oitante" selected the proposal presented by Bison Capital, since it was the one that presented the most favorable conditions to maximize the sale, "he explains. "The completion of this operation is the result of a competitive sales process initiated and conducted by the Oita, and it is very important that the project that Bison Capital has for BBI [Banif Banco de Investimento] predicts that It will come to be developed with the support of current employees, thus allowing an effective transition from the bank to the new shareholder. "

At the end of June, the Bank of Portugal announced that it had requested the start of the banif liquidation following revocation

In December 2014 Banif was the target of a resolution measure, by decision of the government and the Bank of Portugal, which led to many customers claiming to be aggrieved by this banking institution. Among the wounded are about 3,500 bonds, mostly from the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores, but also from the Portuguese communities of South Africa, Venezuela and the United States, which lost 263 million. 39; euros. In addition to these, there are still 4,000 Rentipar bonds ( holding through which the daughters of the founder of Banif, Horacio Roque have held their stake), which have invested 65 million euros. , and another 40,000 shareholders, of whom about 25,000 are from Madeira.

A portion of the Banif business was acquired by Santander Totta for 150 million euros, and the Oitante was also created, to which the banking business that the company took place. buyer has not been acquired has been transferred. Since Banif's resolution, the bank's investors are struggling to find a solution that will compensate them for losses, for the moment without success. At the end of 2017, Oitant posted a positive result of 30.1 million euros.

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