The underwater capsule of Elon Musk, a simple "marketing coup"


Last week was marked by the successful rescue of boys and their football coach from a cave in Thailand. In a world football climate, it has even been said that the survivors and all the teams involved are the big winners.

During the rescue process, there was a name that wanted to be heard and who made himself available to help Elon Musk's solution to the rescue "width =" 720 "height =" 405 "class =" aligncenter size-medium wp-image-524282 "srcset ="×405.jpg 720w, pt / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / elon-musk_capsula_submarino_tailandia-150×84.jpg 150w,×432.jpg 768w,×194.jpg 345w, 50w, 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px "/ >

The underwater capsule of Elon Musk, a simple action of my rketing to save "width =" 720 "height =" 405 "class =" aligncenter size-medium wp-image-524282 "srcset =" elon-musk_capsula_submarino_tailandia-720×405.jpg 720w,×84.jpg 150w, content / uploads / 2018/07 / elon-musk_capsula_submarino_tailandia-768×432.jpg 768w,×194.jpg 345w, https: //×28.jpg 50w, 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px "/>

Elon Musk's rescue solution of children in Thailand

Last Sunday in Thailand, children have been saved in a cave after torrential rains that flooded a part of the cave. Despite the heroic death of one of the divers and all the obstacles to which they were subjected to leave the cave, the rescue operation was successful.

From the beginning, Elon Musk made himself available to help the rescue with his technology and knowledge. , and even came up with an underwater capsule that could be used to carry children under water under water because no one could swim or even dive. This capsule was an adaptation of a liquid oxygen transfer tube from a SpaceX Falcon rocket into a light and narrow submarine to cross the cave. 19659002] Inside this capsule is a medium-sized man with crossed arms (having a diameter of 31 cm), which can be transported with the help of two divers, safely in the water.

and use of an underwater capsule

Although capsule tests have been successfully performed in a swimming pool, every citizen has questioned the real utility of a tube rigid in the rescue, taking into account the description of the cave and its obstacles

One of the divers who had been involved in the invasion of the United States of America

One of the divers involved in rescuing Vern Unsworth was questioned about his thoughts on the Musk underwater capsule and the answer could not have been clearer:

He may stick his sub- sailor where it hurts

But after this sentence, the diver develops his and explained that the submarine delivered to the rescue team had no chance of being useful simply because that it was created without it being

The submarine was almost two meters long and was t rigid, it was impossible to get around the obstacles, he would not even be able to cross the first 50 meters of trail in the water.

For Vern Unsworth, It Does not Work. passed This move seems to have been confirmed by the entry of Musk into the cave, the last day of rescues, which, according to the diver, was immediately invited from there.

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