The works in Cabo Espichel cost 1.33 million euros – Cities


The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Cape Espichel, in Sesimbra, will be the target of rehabilitation works, after the autarky has approved the request for the Lisbon Regional Operational Plan 2020.

L & # 39; The intervention will cost around 1, 33 million euros, half of which is shared by the European Regional Development Fund. According to the Câmara de Sesimbra, "the rehabilitation of the west building of the south wing of the inns and the restoration of the house of water" are included, as well as the intervention in the air section of the Aqueduct and its hydraulic system. Also the link between the House of Water and the Garden at Terreiro do Santuário will be requalified.

Improvement works also provide for the "redevelopment of the parking lot near the lighthouse entrance and the visitor area surrounding the water house, garden and the tanks" . The call for public tenders for the start of the works has not yet advanced and there is a scheduled date confirmed in CM the municipality, noting that it there are several companies in the hotel industry interested in investing "in the Sanctuary

of the chamber, the specifications prepared for the company selected in the competition are" very demanding ", thus seeking to safeguard the identity and religiosity of Cape Espichel

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Cape Espichel (or Our Lady of Pedra Mua) has its origins in a fourteenth century hermitage, to keep an image of Santa Claus , and brings together the church built between 1701 and 1707, two wings of guest houses, the House of Water and the House of the Opera

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