Tourism in the Algarve wants to take a positive image to attract more investment abroad – Portugal


The new president of Algarve Tourism, João Fernandes, who took office Friday for a five-year term, wants to take advantage of the positive image of the destination to attract more foreign investment . "We must take advantage of this good wave that the Algarve and Portugal have a positive external image, in order to attract more investors, showing them the potential that exists in the region to invest here" said the leader after taking office in Faro.

João Fernandes, the vice-president of the institution in recent years and whose term expires in 2023, defends Turismo do Algarve as an "active agent" in fund-raising that "helps to requalify the city." offers and brings innovation in products and services. 19659002] "In recent years, we have benefited from an abnormally advantageous demand – with competing destinations with some insecurity problems – but those who have visited the Algarve have been loyal to the region. One of the first steps of the team that is leading is, together with the Association of Professionals and Real Estate Mediation Companies of Portugal (APEMIP), to create

Emphasizing that regional tourism entities find " means increasingly difficult and less and less to take advantage of this positive phase ", João Fernandes

These are the cases of the definition of a new model of promotion and external marketing, which will mark in the next three years the promotion of cross-border, the study of strengthening the link between Faro and Lisbon airports and the attractiveness and qualification

The new leader of the Algarve Tourism has also championed the creation of a Sustainable Tourism Observatory and "progressive effort" to make the Algarve "a destination with an avant-garde technological base"

The official also defended the revision of the legislation applicable to the seaside season, which lowered the pre-season and post-season periods, "adjusted to the use of the beach in the case of the Algarve , where there is a lot of time year. "

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho, who was present at the inauguration, has placed herself at the" service "of the new Algarve tourism team

"Take the opposite of what it is. Instead of being the head, Lisbon is the arm and assume yourself as the head. We are at your service to develop and meet your challenges. Because it is here that strategies are designed and that problems and needs are identified, "said the minister.

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