Travel agencies do not agree on the use of Beja airport by operators


The APAVT does not see feasibility in the use of the airport of Beja by operators of tour packages, as suggested by the government, as it distances one of the tourist poles the most important of the country, the population of the north

"I do not know the statements of the minister (…) mentioned by you, I understand them as a suggestion of development of the outgoing tourist operation [saída de turistas] of the departure Of course, given the constraints that exist at the Lisbon airport, Portuguese tour operators have already taken into account all the assumptions and more, "said the president of the Portuguese Association of Agencies. Travel and Tourism (APAVT).

The Minister of Planning, Pedro Marques, told parliament that the ANA government and airport will develop a campaign with operators who offer integrated tourism packages to use Beja Airport, especially in summer when the pressure on Lisbon is

"In principle this is not a cheaper infrastructure for the tourist operation, it is more expensive, the more expensive it is. "

But for Pedro Costa Ferreira, "it is absolutely visible" that Beja has two problems. which is very natural – concentration in airports is concentration and consolidation, precisely because it is a low-margin activity – but more than

According to the president of the APAVT, the main Beja's difficulty is its geographical location, which "completely alienates the North consumer market" "And this pole" is one of the most important and important destinations "of Portuguese tourist operations."

"It is obvious that Nordic consumers are more likely to take vacations from Vigo or Madrid if the alternative is to travel to Lisbon, then take another bus to Beja, then another bus to Lisbon, and then return in Porto, sometimes in operations that take a third or a quarter of flight from the moment when it is necessary to go there. "19659002] Following a parliamentary hearing, in which he briefly addressed the question, Pedro Marques added to the intention of reporters to "develop a campaign with the"

"What the government has articulated with the dealer, ANA Aeroportos, and considering the exhaustion that takes place at Lisbon Airport, makes all the sense that is sought to promote this infrastructure, especially during the summer of IATA (from the end of March to the end of October), while we have more difficulties at the Lisbon airport, "he exp liquefied

., aims to offer "an attractiveness of infrastructure to operators offering integrated offers with peak demand in summer."

"We hope that this will induce demand for this infrastructure in the years to come and especially in the coming summers, said the governor, noting that "it is not realistic to be able to influence this summer … but this can greatly influence the organization of operations in the coming summers", he estimates

. Humberto Delgado airport, said that any operation in Beja "is important because the region sees a sign of hope" and because it is a "gadget, it is a first moment of something that may be bigger and may grow in the future. "

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