Turismo de Portugal (TP) will grant 300 thousand euros to the Parish Council of Misericórdia, in Lisbon, to implement the project [email protected] an initiative that aims to "contribute to the promotion of tourism" in a sustainable manner, in its social and environmental aspects, promoting integration between residents and tourists. "
According to a note sent to the press by the PT, this project is part of the line of support for sustainable development launched by the government in October 2017 and has a global allocation of 10 million euros [19659002] The project [email protected] comprises six parts, namely [email protected] ordia, Experiê [email protected] ordia, [email protected] ordia; [email protected] ordia, [email protected] ordia and [email protected] ória, initiatives which cover various actions, from improved accessibility to public toilets, garbage collection, urban art activities, awareness-raising actions for the tourist population, and civic actions.
"It s & # 39 is a pioneering and exemplary project as part of the Tourism Sustainability Line. To date, 8 projects of this line have been approved, for an amount of 2.5 million euros. There are currently 50 projects under analysis. This project shows how tourism should be an instrument for mobilizing social and cultural initiatives that promote coexistence between residents and tourists, by reinforcing authenticity and involving the population, "says Ana Mendes Godinho, secretary of 39, State of Tourism.
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