Two names that do not end in Azevedo enter the holding company that controls Sonae – Observer


Two names that do not end in Azevedo will join Efanor, the family holding shareholder of more than 50% of Sonae SGPS, following the changes that occur in the company and which lead Cláudia de Azevedo to the executive management of Sonae SGPS. The news published this Thursday by Public (newspaper run by a Sonae Group company) point to an unprecedented scenario: someone who does not belong to the family is at the top of the list. # 39; Efanor. But the names – Ângelo Pauperio and Carlos Moreira da Silva – have long been linked to the history of the Portuguese multinational

The two directors will accompany Paulo de Azevedo at the head of Efanor, in a new organizational chart in which the (still) executive of Sonae SPGS will have a more important position and more related to the definition of the overall strategy. But, despite being two very close family names, the intention is to separate, more clearly, the management of the family business from that of the group companies.

Ângelo Pauperio has been with Sonae since 1989 and has spent several years. companies, including as general manager of Sonaecom from 2007 to the formation of NOS in 2013. The program is financial controller, with a keen interest in technology investment and telecommunications. Carlos Moreira da Silva has a profile more related to the industrial sector – and to Sonae Indústria, one of the group's companies (he also owns the glass group BA).

These are changes that, according to a high group of the group cited by Público will "prepare the next 20 years" of Sonae. But they follow the death of Belmiro de Azevedo, after which, according to Vision each of the three children had 25.11% of the capital, plus 10% to divide by three but intended for the grandchildren of Belmiro ( 10% went to the Belmiro de Azevedo Foundation and the remaining 4% will be the company's own shares)

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