Uber complaints double in six months


Poor driver education, undue costs and service failures. In the first six months of the year, complaints against Uber on the complaints portal almost doubled compared to the same period in 2017. The electronic passenger platform presents a variation much larger by 96% (47 versus 92) than taxis represented by the National Association of Motor Carriers in light automobiles (36-41, up 14%). As for Cabify, the complaints remained the same: 14-14

Asked by the DN on these data the answer of the platform was: "Uber [existe no país desde 2014 e diz ter mais de 5000 motoristas] continues to develop its activity in Portugal, being able to offer a coverage of We serve more than 50% of the national territory, which further reinforces our commitment to ensure support of excellence to users.Enjoying this positive moment, the company is already present in Porto, Braga, Guimarães and Faro, benefiting from increased tourism recorded in the country and in the cities mentioned, and extended the services provided, such as Uber Eats [distribuição de comida]

The data on the complaints presented in the complaints portal are known a few days before the future of passenger electronic platforms – in Portugal there are three more: Cabify, Chofer and Taxify – to be discussed again in the Assembly of the Republic. On Thursday will be reviewed Legislative Decree 201 / XIII which establishes the "legal regime of the activity of transport of individual and paying passengers in vehicles decharacterized from electronic platform." Document approved in March with the votes the PS, the PSD and the CDS-PP, the abstention of the PAN and the votes against the PCP, the Left Bloc and the Greens, but vetoed by the President of the Republic. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa a asked MPs to pay attention to the fact that there are no quotas for platforms – for taxis – and that the occasion should be given to review the legal regime of this service which has about 14,000 taxis

"Quality to download"

In complaints filed on the complaints portal, irregular collection, breakdowns of service and poor driver education constitute the largest volume of complaints in this area. order [19659002] An exem possible violation of Uber's service is the experience that Diana Ferreira told DN: "I was in Bairro Alto and I asked for an Uber. When the driver arrived, I did not speak that English and when I told him GPS and I were in the other direction, I asked him to take another route and he told me if I knew any other way to say because he did not know it. "A regular Uber, and not only in the capital, confessed that [traduction]" the service is deteriorating, especially in Lisbon. "

The PSD wants platforms to pay 5%

Returning to Thursday's debate in Parliament, the PSD has already announced that it will submit a proposal to recover the 5% tax payable to the state, thus moving to the alert left by the President of the Republic.

Meanwhile, the DN knows that the working group created by the Ministry of Environment to propose changes in the taxi sector has already sent to the cabinet of Minister João Pedro Matos Fernandes a document where, among the 14 points presented, for example, the need to create a work schedule certain days of the year – December 24 and 31 – the price charged is identical to the holidays and may have more than 10 to 12.

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