Uber pays 5% contribution to the state | Transport


Electronic reserve platforms such as Uber, Cabify and Taxify will pay the state a fixed contribution of 5% of the amount they charge to operators as transportation intermediaries. passengers.

The question is that the Uber law must be resolved before the parliamentary holidays

The question will be decided definitively Thursday afternoon, when the initiatives of the parties on the Transportation activity in vehicles decharacterized from electronic platform (TVDE) will be voted in plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic. "We have recovered an initial proposal that was ours," Social Democrat MP Emídio Guerreiro told PÚBLICO, adding that the PSD was the only party to propose such a measure

. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Republic, vetoed the value of the contribution between 0.1% and 2%. The last word would be for the government, from which the legislative proposal began, and in which nothing appeared on a tax or contribution.

To justify his right of veto, the President of the Republic declared that "the great compensation for the absence of quotas and a"

According to the law approved on March 23 with the votes of the PS, the PSD and CDS, the amounts charged through the "regulatory contribution and monitoring" are as follows: distributed by three entities: the Transport and Mobility Authority (AMT), which holds 30%, the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), which has another 30% and the Public Transport Service Fund. Taxpayers applaud Marcelo, Uber, Cabify and Taxify await a new law [19659008] The two sides have also reached a new, which is related to the new financial support for the acquisition of electric taxis, understanding the need to clarify the access to business. The PSD proposal stipulates that "enterprises engaged in the transport activity in taxi can simultaneously develop the activity of the TVET operator, in accordance with the applicable licensing procedures and provisions set out in this law, affecting this activity without a permit. like taxis. "In this case, the vehicles are not" attached to a public transport service "and also do not enjoy the exemptions and benefits accorded to taxis.

Taxis Changes

When he opposed his veto the diploma, April 29, the President of the Republic also stated that a "balanced solution" was not found with respect to taxis, which have characteristics such as quotas (maximum of vehicles in circulation, applied by the municipalities) and fixed rates, in this respect he suggested that "ideally" the regulation of the transport of private vehicles of the electronic platform (TVE) should be made "simultaneously with the modernization of taxi regulations.

However, as reported by PUBLIC in late June, the working group formed to streamline the modernization of the taxi sector (and joined the Portuguese Federation of Taxis, ANTRAL and IMT) has already delivered its findings to the government. Among those who have been consensual and who will be implemented by the Ministry of the Environment include the granting of financial support for the purchase of electric vehicles and the limit of age for vehicles. In the first case, the support increases from 5000 to 12 500 euros (the additional 7500 euros will be granted if the taxi is over 20 years).

In the second case, the limitation, as explained by the Assistant Secretary of State for the Environment, José Mendes, will be "between 10 and 12 years old". The ten-year limit will be set for new taxis, as well as for those that have been in circulation for less than a decade when the ordinance in question was issued, but a transitional period is planned for the more 12 years old. [19659014] The best of Público in email

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Another measure to be applied is the possibility of suspending the taxi permit for a single 12-month period, which allows the taxi holder to rethink his activity and may, in particular, want to test the market of TVDE, which is closely related to the amendments proposed by the PS and the PSD regarding access to the activity.

The amendment proposals now provided by the PS are also an article that states that the operator of an electronic platform must ensure "a price policy consistent with the right of the competition "and that the AMT" may conduct audits to verify compliance of platforms with national legislation and competition rules "

The PCP also presented draft amendments, in which he advocates, inter alia, the application of a tariff for the TVET service with "minimum prices that prevent unfair or restrictive trade practices."

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