Under 13 may have blocked Facebook and Instagram accounts


Children are turning more and more to social networks, whether at the option of their parents or on their own initiative, encouraged by their colleagues. However, according to the rules, Facebook requires a minimum age of 13 to create an account, both for the social network itself and for Instagram.

So far, it seems that little has been given to this rule, things may change, after a complaint from a British TV channel, with a tighter review children's accounts. Learn how to report a Facebook and Instagram account of a child under 13 years old.

 Photography - Freepik. Kids on Facebook and Instragram Under 13

Following a complaint filed by Channel 4 Channel, through a report Inside Facebook: The Secrets of a Social Network, Facebook, as a Business Owner Facebook and Instagram social networks, announced that the age assessment of network users was going to be tightened.

In this report, a reporter from the station became critical of the contents of the Facebook platform, through a service company in Dublin, and concluded that there were guidelines for officials to ignore the accounts of D & C. User who appeared to be under 13 years old.

In response to this report, the Facebook team issued a statement in which she thanked reporters and where he assures them that they are already trying to understand why these guidelines.

Immediately, the Dublin supervisors were forced to retrain and this will also be done globally.

Auditors, who have been responsible for auditing, If you think that a user is under 13, you will have to block your Facebook or Instagram account, and it will only be reactivated if you show proof that you are of age.

This new awareness on behalf of

How to report a Facebook / Instagram account of a child under 13 years old

According to Facebook / Instagram account of a child under 13 age 13

If you can read on Facebook and Instagram, both social networks require a minimum age of 13 to create an account (in some jurisdictions, this age limit may be higher). Creating an account with false information is a violation of our terms. This includes accounts registered on behalf of someone under 13 years of age.

If your child under 13 is known to you, you can suggest that you delete your Facebook or Instagram account.

On the other hand, if you want to report an account of a person under the age of 13, you must complete a form for each of the networks (Facebook | Instagram) fill out this form. You should note that the account will be quickly deleted by the Facebook team for any child reported by these forms.

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