Unions a rail transport with better conditions in the Algarve


António Goulart, of the Union of Algarve Trade Unions, participated in a public forum held Friday at Faro Station to defend the improvement of rail transport and made an evaluation " of the initiative promoted by the Union of Trade Unions, by the Federation of Transport and Communications Unions (Fectrans), the National Union of Rail Sector Workers (SNTSF) and the Commission for Road Users. Algarve line

"It was a very important initiative to formulate the complaint very clearly on what is happening with rail transport in the region, which is an intolerable situation, with serious losses for train users and , in a general way, for the region, "said António Goulart at the Lusa press agency [19659002] The same source said that it was also possible to create a" spirit of continuation of protest " which would allow, in the future, "to widen and thicken the requests and other actors and regional actors to participate" to these complaints

The leader of the Union of Algarve unions stressed the need for "affordable prices, adequate hours" and that trains "are not systematically subject to deletion."

"Of course, next to the but it is not enough to benefit from millions for strategic investments if the service is then degraded," he added.

António Goulart gave the example of the electrification of the "Algarve railway line, which is only done between Faro and Tunes" and "does not cover the extensions of Tunes in Lagos and Faro in Vila Real de Santo António. "

The union leader also criticized successive governments and CP administrations, making them responsible for having and making" announcements ". investment of millions of dollars for the future ", but without resolving the current situation.

"It is a regional problem that affects workers, and we need to call the authorities and other entities to intervene, so that these requirements are broader and that the one who is responsible for the situation is obliged to solve, "he defended

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