Use of the complete Islamic veil banned in Denmark as of today – Observer


The ban on the use of the Islamic veil in Denmark begins this Wednesday, two months after the approval of the law by the parliament, with some protests scheduled for the day. Approved by the Danish parliament on May 31, the law will ban the use of burqa and niqab in public spaces, as it has already occurred in other European countries such as France and France. Belgium.

Anyone wearing clothing or accessories – such as hoods, helmets or false beards – that makes it impossible for a person to be recognized is liable to a fine of at least one thousand Danish kroner ( about 134 euros). In the event of a repeat offense, the fine may be raised to DKK 10 000 (approximately EUR 1 340)

The law has not created a consensus within the Muslim community and a number of demonstrations have taken place. have been considered. Justice Minister Soren Pape Poulsen said the officers could fine all those who protested and sent protesters home.

Proponents of the law believe that the ban allows for better integration of Muslim migrants. International Answers "Although some specific restrictions on full-face veils may serve public safety issues, this prohibition is neither necessary nor proportionate and violates the rights to freedom of expression and religion," he said. said Gauri van Gulik, then European director. of the law. According to the law, officials and officials such as judges and soldiers must have their faces uncovered.

According to the law, civil servants and officials such as judges and soldiers must have their faces uncovered. The law ensures that objects can be used in the necessary situations – as in the case of helmets – to comply with other laws.

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