Varandas chooses Rogério Alves for the MAG of Sporting – Sports


Rogério Alves is the name chosen by the candidate Frederico Varandas for the new president of the Council of General Assembly (MAG) Sporting s' he wins the elections.

The lawyer, who has just been appointed to the presidency of the club, will be introduced Monday, at the opening of the office of the candidates for the leadership of lions.

Miguel Albuquerque is also named

"I believe in my project" "I believe in my project"

"I believe in my project" "They are two strong names, [19659006] Frederic Varandas was on a guided tour of the Sports Museum by Bernardes Dinis, founder of the club museum " I believe in my project, it is a very strong project, to win, to bring back to the club Sporting values ​​It is very important that we can regain dignity, head up and win, "said the former sports doctor.The legacy of Bruno de Carvalho was not only marked by Negative things, and Bernardes Dinis asked Varandas to retain his inheritance.

The shadow of Bruno de Carvalho

The former sports doctor says that & # 39; He will do it.

"I like to remember what was done well and things done very well that we let's preserve. I play sports, this museum shivers. Sport is more than football, more than just a club. "I am going to do Sporting if the sportsmen understand it, I am going to improve what was done, because one day someone better would come to continue in this way" club

The presidential candidate regrets that the sportsmen live with the "ghost" of the financial situation and reveals not to worry

"No worries … It was good that sportsmen do not always live with this ghost. very competent, we are already working in case we are the winning team, I am perfectly aware of the financial situation of Sporting and that will not prevent us from fighting to win, "he declared

" Weigh Iro is my coach! "

Frederico Varandas does not hide his desire to work with Peseiro

" I have already said that the coach is chosen by the board of directors and that he will have two months of work, including one month of campaign with four games to play. This coach must be supported, Sporting must win. Peseiro is my coach! People must understand that September 8th is not June 8th. You must have common sense and you must understand football, the team is already in the scene, I appeal to all sportsmen to buy or renew "

" I think the sport needs to # 39, a president who understands football. "Evaluating the name that Madeira Rodrigues has presented, evaluating the moment when he did it, I can only conclude that it is a huge mistake."

The elections are held on September 8th.

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