Vaza the new look of Gmail, Drive and other Google apps for Android


Google announces in recent months that its applications and services will benefit from a new look inspired by the Android Theme Hardware Theme. After refreshing the look of Gmail and Agenda on the web , the company is preparing for the changes of

In the images, you can see the renewal process of Google Apps for Android from Google Photos, Gmail, Google Trips and Google Drive. The big difference of this new style is the totally white background, leaving until then the menus and colored bars that marked the interface of Google services.

Besides the issue of colors, the format of the bars and buttons, as well as the organization of all content leaves the experience more unified with the Google application and also how the services are presented on the Web. The idea seems to be precisely to make the transition between one service and another as subtle as possible from the aesthetic point of view, creating a brand for the company.

This sober look could be seen in a video posted on Vimeo by designers Adam Grabowski and Nicolo Bianchino, two professionals who collaborated with Google on several product presentation videos. According to the description made by BIanchino, the video is on "a sample."

According to the description made by BIanchino, the video is "a sample of the updated design system [da Google] for its internal teams", that is to say that the idea was that this material is not made public (at least not now) In any case, the content has already been replicated to the web and can be verified below: